Thursday, March 18, 2010

Take my blog flower you little minx.

The lack of digital camera in my life is starting to wear on me. Sigh. I have made some delicious things recently and because I took pictures of them on my Holga - which uses 120 film- I have not posted about them yet. I will, however, post a link to an absolutely fabulous recipe I tested a couple of weeks ago -- Pecan Pillows! Pictures and more detail to follow at a later date:

Pecan Pillows from Pastry Studio Recipe and Pictures

For those of you who love pastry as much as I do, the aforementioned blog is fab. Anyway, on to the meat and potatoes of this rambling post. Yesterday was St. Patty's day. I am a small part Irish (aren't we all) and as the work day was closing, I felt an increasing need to let my inner lass shine. For me, this meant a few Irish beverages and traditional fare. So how did I end up at a pizza joint? A friend of a friend's birthday. B: "I told him I would stop by... then we can go to McGurks". Me: "Okay. Okay. Let's make this snappy. I've got a date with Corned Beef and Cabbage." So we get to Katie's Pizzeria in the Clayton/Richmond Heights area and my hungry Tummy says "Forget your dreams of corned beef and cabbage, you fool! It smells delicious in here!".

I listened to Tummy, even though he can't always be trusted -- To quote Miss Cornelia Bryant: Isn't that just like a man? :) -- and I took a look at the menu. O.M.G. Fantastic original pizza selections and delicious appetizers, but wait, wait, what's this I see in the dessert section? Ricotta donuts with fresh blackberries. Commence the yummy noises! These little fritters were FANTASTIC! Warm, fluffy, delicious donuts covered with hot honey, powdered sugar and paired with fresh, juicy blackberries. Does it get any better? I really don't think so. Go there. Eat them. Forget what you had planned for the next hour because you are desperately in need of a pastry-induced spiritual awakening. Trust me, I know about these things.

Naturally, this made me want to replicate the treat so that I may spread the love to family and friends. I found the following recipe and am excited to try it:

Ricotta Fritters

Happy Belated St. Patty's day!


  1. Nice blog. Will you always be talking about food or was that just for the first one? I read this while eating a bag of chocolate chips :)

  2. It will always be centered around food with a little story built into it. In regards to the chocolate chips... I like your style :)
